Orkin Residential
For over 100 years, we have used research and technology to better understand pests and how to control them. Orkin has partnered with leading educational institutions to develop university-level training programs for all our experts in pest control. Each Orkin Pest Control Specialist is equipped with the knowledge and training needed to protect your home from unwanted pests. We have some of the best qualified entomologists in Malta to support you in your Pest Control needs. We don’t adopt a one size fits all solution but help you with your specific needs.
Each home is unique.
And that is why Orkin Malta is dedicated to providing a customised, scientifically based solution that meets your unique needs. Orkin will provide its unique A.I.M. (Assess. Implement. Monitor.) method to provide a comprehensive solution created especially for your needs.

Your Orkin Specialist® will inspect and assess all potential risk areas and examine the reasons why pests can infest your home. Be it geography, climate, topography, soil type or flow, your Orkin Malta Pest Control Specialist is involved in protecting your home against pests.

Based on the findings, your Orkin Malta Pest Control Specialist will use a variety of tools and treatment techniques to help prevent pests and the threats they pose to you and your family. Depending on your situation, we will use our knowledge and experience to put these tools to work exactly where the pests can more easily infiltrate your home.

Pest control is not a single application solution: It requires monitoring and observation. We will monitor your home all year for any pest activity signals, recording the progress and communicating with you to help ensure the continued effectiveness of the service.
What to Expect from your Orkin Specialist
The Orkin Specialist uses the integrated A.I.M process to assess, implement and monitor your property’s pest problem. On the first visit, Orkin will conduct a thorough inspection of your property using top of the line equipment. This usually takes around 45 minutes but can vary based on the property size. Following this, we are able to provide you with a comprehensive Report that outlines your problem areas and makes recommendations for a program especially tailored to your pest management needs.
Once you give us the go ahead, your Orkin Specialist will begin the implementation stage, or in other Words he’ll be “getting things done”. Here, the program recommended to you after the inspection begins, and your Orkin Specialist will rid you of all identified problems while also using tools to monitor pest activity to ensure effectiveness. Upon completion of each service, a Service Ticket is filled out. The Service Ticket outlines what was done and when he/she will need to come back to keep you 100% pest-protected.
Your Orkin Specialist will visit regularly all year long to check for new pests while also ensuring the continued success of past treatments. While doing so, he/she will also document your progress so you know exactly where you and your home or business stand. Remember, we aren’t satisfied until you are.